The Clock Tower in Exeter
My magical spring continues with a visit to the University of Exeter, to the conference organised by Morwenna Ludlow and Richard Flower, Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity.

Speakers include: Nic Baker-Brian (Cardiff), Douglas Boin (Saint Louis University), Barbara Borg (Exeter), Raffaella Cribiore (NYU), Jennifer Ebbeler (University of Texas at Austin), Mark Humphries (Swansea), Robin Jensen (Vanderbilt), Aaron Johnson (Lee University, Cleveland TN), Maijastina Kahlos (Helsinki), Carlos Machado (St Andrews), Neil McLynn (Oxford), Karla Pollmann (Kent), Shaun Tougher (Cardiff), Peter van Nuffelen (Universiteit Gent) and Michael Stuart Williams (Maynooth).  I am happy to be along. I will give a paper on the Christian magicless self-image (”Nec posse hominem Christianum uti magicis artibus – Rhetoric on Magic and the Christian self-image”).
Yesterday I spent a day in London (nostalgic – it has been a while since I have been in London centre).
London Embankment

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