Helsingin yliopistossa järjestetään iso uskontotieteen konferenssi EASR 2016 (European Association for the Study of Religion) 28.6.-1.7.2016 eli aivan parin viikon kuluttua. Ohjelma on monipuolinen, ja antiikin uskonnot ovat vahvasti edustettuina.
Itse olen mukana kolmessa paneelissa:

  • Panel: Parallels and differences between Late Antiquity and Europe today (Chairs: Peter Antes &  Mar Marcos Sanchez)
    Peter Antes: Europe’s Identity in the cultural memory of today
    Mar Marcos Sanchez: Interreligious Dialogue: Past and Present
    Giovanni Filoramo: In the mirror of Late Antiquity. Religious pluralisms in comparison
    Maijastina Kahlos: Waiting for Immigrants
  • Panel: The words of religious pluralism (II) (Chair: Alessandro Saggioro)
    Maijastina Kahlos: #RELIGIOUS FREEDOM “Religious freedom” in the Ancient Context – The cases of Tertullian and Ambrose
    Mar Marcos Sanchez: #ABUSE AND COERCION Peithô and Bia in Ancient Political and Religious Debate
    Juana Torres: #DIALOGUE & CONFLICT The role of logos in resolving religious conflict (II-V centuries). The ”Debates against pagans”: Dialogue or Dispute?
    Eduard Iricinschi: #SHARING Sharing Religious Practices between Manichaeans and Christians in Fourth-Century Egypt
  • Panel: Relocating religious identities and memories of the past in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages (Chair: Maijastina Kahlos)
    Marika Rauhala: Negotiating the Masculine Ideal: Gender Stereotypes in Ancient  Religious Discourse
    Marja-Leena Hänninen: Parallel or Alternative Identities: Religious Communities of Ostia in the Early Imperial Era
    Antti Lampinen: Memories of the Subaltern: ‘Ethnicising Religion’ in Roman Literature, c. 100-300
    Katja Ritari: Dealing with the Pre-Christian Past: Pagans and Christians in Early Medieval Irish Narratives Concerning the Conversion


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