The story of Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150 – 700 CE (eds. Chris de Wet, Maijastina Kahlos & Ville Vuolanto), which just came out from Cambridge University Press, started in 2016. We organised the XXIV Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity in Tvärminne and after the splendid conference we decided to prepare a volume on late antique slavery. Finally, after years’ work, the volume is out. Many thanks to the writers and to my co-editors!
The content:
Introduction: Late Antique Studies and the New Polyphony for Slave Studies – Chris L. de Wet
Part I
Moral and Symbolic Values of Slavery
1 Masters and Slaves in Early Christian Discourse – Pieter J. J. Botha
2 Slavery and Religion in Late Antiquity: Their Relation to Asceticism and Justice in Christianity and Judaism – Ilaria L. E. Ramelli
3 (Il)Legal Freedom: Christ as Liberator from Satanic Debt Bondage in Greek Homilies and Hymns of Late Antiquity – Arkadiy Avdokhin
4 Late Roman Ideas of Ethnicity and Enslavement – Maijastina Kahlos
Part II
Slavery, Cultural Discourses, and Identity
5 Slavery in Euphemia and the Goth – Chris L. de Wet
6 What Was Jewish about Jewish Slavery in Late Antiquity? – Catherine Hezser
7 Divining Slavery in Late Ancient Egypt: Doulology in the Monastic Works of Paul of Tamma and Shenoute – Christine Luckritz Marquis
8 Rural Slavery in Late Roman Gaul: Literary Genres, Theoretical Frames, and NarrativesUiran – Gebara da Silva
Part III
Slavery, Social History, and the Papyrological and Epigraphical Sources
9 Slaves in Sixth-Century Palestine in the Light of Papyrological Evidence – Marja Vierros
10 Enslaved Children in Roman Egypt: Experiences from the Papyri – April Pudsey and Ville Vuolanto
11 Late Antique Slavery in Epigraphic Evidence – Mariana Bodnaruk
Part IV
Social and Religious Histories of Slavery on the Borders of the Empire and Beyond
12 Slavery among the Visigoths – Noel Lenski
13 Sinner, Slave, Bishop, Saint: The Social and Religious Vicissitudes of St Patrick – Judith Evans Grubbs
14 Slave Boys in Paradise? The Text of the Quran and Its Later Exegetes – Ilkka Lindstedt