// Academic publications
Academic monographs and edited works
- Religious Dissent in the late Roman Empire in 370–450: Alienation, Accommodation, and Adaptation, Oxford Studies in Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, 2020.
- Forbearance and Compulsion: Rhetoric of Tolerance and Intolerance in Late Antiquity, Duckworth: London, 2009.
- Debate and Dialogue: Christian and Pagan Cultures, c. 380-430, Routledge (Ashgate)
- Vettius Agorius Praetextatus: Senatorial Life in Between, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae XXVI (Roma 2002).
- Italian translations Vettio Agorio Pretestato. Una vita senatoriale nella transizione, tr. Giuliana Bartoli, Victrix Edizioni: Roma, 2010.
- Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150-700 CE, eds. Chris De Wet, M. Kahlos & Ville Vuolanto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022
- Recognition and Religion. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, eds. M. Kahlos, H.J. Koskinen & R. Palmén, Routledge: London,
- Emperors and the Divine – Rome and its Influence, ed. M. Kahlos, COLLeGIUM, Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences 20, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: Helsinki, 2016.
- Spaces in Late Antiquity – Cultural, Theological and Archaeological Perspectives, eds. J. Day, R. Hakola, M. Kahlos & U. Tervahauta, Routledge: London, 2016.
- The Faces of the other. Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the later Roman world, ed. M. Kahlos, Cursor mundi 10, Brepols: Turnhout, 2012.
- Changes and Continuities in Christian Apologetic, in the series Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity (ECCA), eds. A. Jacobsen, M. Kahlos & J. Ulrich, Peter Lang: Frankfurt 2009.
- Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa, eds. Marja-Leena Hänninen – Maijastina Kahlos, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura (2004).
Articles in academic peer-reviewed journals
- ‘From Bad Barbarians into Good Romans? Themistius and the Case of Goths in the Fourth Century’, Advances in Ancient, Biblical, and Near Eastern Research 3.3 (2023), 221–252.
- ‘The Handmaid’s Tale in a Fourth-Century Format: Ausonius and Bissula’, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 63 (2020), 178-187.
- ‘Bishops and People: Looking for Local Religious Life in Late Antiquity’, Entangled Religions1 (2021).
- ‘Christian Emperors, Divination, and Curiositas’, Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum 61 (2019), 133–147.
- ‘Minority Report? Religious Minorities and Majorities in Late Antique Argumentation’, Studi e materiali di Storia delle Religioni, 2 (2017), 392–403.
- ‘Ditches of Destruction: Cyril of Alexandria and the Rhetoric of Public Security’, Byzantinische Zeitschrift2 (2014), 1–32.
- ‘Pagan–Christian Debates over the Interpretation of Texts in Late Antiquity’, Classical World4 (2012), 525–545.
- ‘The Importance of Being a Pagan’, Cristianesimo nella storia 30 (2009), 51–57 = repr. in Pagans and Christians in the Roman Empire. The Breaking of a Dialogue (IVth-VIth Century A.D), eds. Peter Brown and Rita Lizzi Testa (Wien: Lit Verlag 2011), 187–192.
- ‘Religio and superstitio: Retortions and phases of a Binary Opposition in Late Antiquity’, Athenaeum 1 (2007), 389–408.
- ‘Perniciosa ista inanium dulcedo litterarum: The Perils of Charming Literature in Fourth and Fifth Century Texts’, Maia1 (2006), 53–67.
- ‘Pompa diaboli: The Grey Area in Urban Festivals in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries’, Collection Latomus 287 (2005), 467–483.
- ‘Die Grenzgestalten und die Konstruktion der Antithesen: Incerti in spätantikem Zwischenraum’, Minerva 18 (2005), 153–169.
- ‘Incerti in Between: Moments of Transition and Dialogue in Christian Apologetics’, Parola del Passato 59 (2004), 5-24.
- ‘Vettius Agorius Praetextatus and the Rivalry between the Bishops in Rome in 366–367’, Arctos 31 (1997), 41–54.
- ‘The Restoration Policy of Vettius Agorius Praetextatus’, Arctos 29 (1995), 39–47.
- ‘Fabia Aconia Paulina and the Death of Praetextatus – Rhetoric and Ideals in Late Antiquity’, Arctos 28 (1994), 13–25.
Articles in academic peer-reviewed volumes
- ‘Firmicus Maternus and the Rhetoric of Apologetics’, Early Christian Writers in the West and the Classical Literary Tradition: Stylistic and Literary Perspectives, eds. Sophia Papaioannou & Thomas Tsartsidis, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2024, 61–76.
- ‘Pagan, paganism’, with Archer, George, Culpepper, K. Scott, Eitzen, Martín, Harvey, Graham, Horák, Pavel, Kahlos, Maijastina, Karounos, Michael, Petersen, Nils Holger, Pöhlmann, Matthias, Sanders, Theresa, Swindell, Anthony, Thompson, Jeremy & White, Peter. Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception Online, eds. Constance M. Furey, Peter Gemeinhardt, Joel Marcus LeMon, Thomas Chr. Römer, Jens Schröter, Barry Dov Walfish & Eric Ziolkowski. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.
- ‘In Search of Local People and Rituals in Late Antiquity’, Being Pagan, Being Christian in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, eds. Katja Ritari, Jan Stenger & William Van Andringa, AHEAD: Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2023, 205–232.
- ‘Swords or Cudgels? Augustine, Petilianus, and (De)legitimizing Religious Violence’, Violence in Antiquity. Religious Approaches to its Legitimation and Delegitimation, eds. Johannes Breuer & Jochen Walter, series Hamburger Studien zu Gesellschaften und Kulturen der Vormoderne, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2023, 135–154.
- ‘Late Roman Ideas of Ethnicity and Enslavement’, Slavery in the Late Antique World, 150-700 CE, eds. Chris De Wet, M. Kahlos & Ville Vuolanto, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022, 87–104.
- ‘Orosius, Barbarians, and the Christian Success Story’, Writing History in Late Antique Iberia. Historiographical praxis in Hispania from the 4th to the 7th century, ed. Purificación Ubric Rabaneda, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2022, 85-99.
- ‘Mimus religionis, mimicry, and deviance: Late antique polemic against religious others’, Religious Polemics and Encounters in Late Antiquity: Boundaries, Conversions and Persuasions, ed. Anni Maria Laato, Timo Nisula & Pablo Irizar, Leiden: Brill, 2021, 78-93.
- ‘Rutilius Namatianus: between desperate escapism and confident universalism’, Rutilius Namatianus, ed. Étienne Wolff, Paris: Ausonius, 2020, 75–83.
- ‘Citizens and the Criteria for Recognition in the Roman Empire’, Recognition, its Theory and Practice, ed. Onni Hirvonen & Heikki J. Koskinen, 2022, 290-304.
- ‘Heresy Test and the Barbarian Other’, Dealing with Difference: Patterns of Response to Religious Rivalry in Late Antiquity, ed. Geoffrey D. Dunn & Christine Shepardson, Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021, 41-55.
- ‘Charismatic Leadership in Ancient Rome’, The Routledge International Handbook of Charisma, ed. José Pedro Zúquete, London: Routledge, 2020, 65–76.
- ‘Praetextatus, Vettius Agorius’, Oxford Classical Dictionary Online, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- ‘Violent words in the late Roman Empire: Legislation and Religious Dissenters’, The expropriation and Destruction of Synagogues in Late Antiquity, ed. Johannes Hahn, series Religions in the Graeco-Roman World, Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
- ‘The Misunderstood Emperor? Valens as a Persecuting Ruler in Late Antique Literature’ to the volume Heirs of Roman Persecution: Studies on a Christian and para-Christian Discourse in Late Antiquity, eds. Éric Fournier & Wendy Meyer, London: Routledge, 2019, 61–78.
- ‘Shifting Sacrifices – Fifth-century Developments in Ritual Life’, Shifting Frontiers XII: The Fifth century – Age of Transformation, eds. Noel Lenski & Jan Willem Drijvers, Munera, Bari: Edipuglia, 2019, 235–245.
- ‘In Search of Local People and Rituals in Late Antiquity’, Being Pagan, Being Christian in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages, eds. Katja Ritari, Jan Stenger & William Van Andringa, forthcoming.
- ‘Introduction’, with Heikki J. Koskinen & Ritva Palmén, Recognition and Religion, eds. M. Kahlos, H.J. Koskinen & R. Palmén, London: Routledge, 1-14.
- ‘Recognizing the Road: Graeco-Roman Appeals for Religious Diversity in the Late Roman Empire’, Recognition and Religion, eds. M. Kahlos, H.J. Koskinen & R. Palmén, London: Routledge, 127–146.
- ‘”A Christian Cannot Employ Magic”: Rhetoric Self-fashioning of the Magicless Christianity in Late Antiquity’, Rhetoric and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity, eds. R. Flower & M. Ludlow, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020, 128–142.
- ‘Pagan/Paganism’, Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Leiden: Brill, 2020.
- ‘Magic’, Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, Leiden: Brill, 2019.
- ‘Dissimulatio and the Realities in the Legislation against Religious Dissidents in the fourth and fifth centuries’, Bishops, Councils and Imperial Court in the Western Roman Empire, ed. M. Marcos Sanchez, Bari: Collana Munera, forthcoming.
- ‘Multiplex perniciosa perversitas: The image of Pelagianism in Gelasius’ letters in Collectio Avellana’, The Collectio Avellana and its Revivals, eds. Rita Lizzi Testa & Giulia Marconi, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars, 2019, 123-137.
- ‘Christianization and Late Antique Patronage – From Conflicts to Everyday Nuisances’, Reconceiving Religious Conflict: New Views from the Formative Centuries of Christianity, eds. Wendy Mayer & Chris de Wet, London: Routledge, 2018, 182–207.
- ‘Religio’, Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2018, 992–1014.
- ‘Rechtgläubigkeit’, Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum XXVIII, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2017, 744-771.
- ‘The Emperor’s New Images: How to Honour the Emperor in the Christian Empire’, Emperors and the Divine – Rome and its Influence, ed. M. Kahlos, CollEGium, Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: Helsinki, 2016, 119–138.
- ‘Roman Emperors and the Divine: Shifts and Downshifts’, Emperors and the Divine – Rome and its Influence, ed. M. Kahlos, CollEGium, Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: Helsinki, 2016, 1-9.
- ‘Meddling in the Middle? Urban celebrations, Ecclesiastical Leaders, and the Roman Emperor in Late Antiquity’, Spaces in Late Antiquity – Cultural, Theological and Archaeological perspectives, eds. J. Day, R. Hakola, M. Kahlos & U. Tervahauta, Routledge: London, 2016, 11–31.
- ‘Spaces in Late Antiquity: Cultural, Theological and Archaeological Perspectives’, with J. Day, R. Hakola & U. Tervahauta, Spaces in Late Antiquity – Cultural, Theological and Archaeological perspectives, eds. J. Day, R. Hakola, M. Kahlos & U. Tervahauta, Routledge: London, 2016, 1-7.
- ‘Theodorus (Fl. Mallius)’, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VI, publié sous la direction de R. Goulet, CNRS Editions: Paris, 2016, 985–986.
- ‘Symmachus (Q. Aurelius)’, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VI, publié sous la direction de R. Goulet, CNRS Editions: Paris, 2016, 365–367.
- ‘Symmachus iunior (Q. Aurelius Memmius)’, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques VI, publié sous la direction de R. Goulet, CNRS Editions: Paris, 2016, 367–369.
- ‘Artis heu magicis – The Label of Magic in the Fourth-century Disputes and Conflicts’, Pagans and Christians in Late Antique Rome, eds. Michele R. Salzman, Marianne Sághy & Rita Lizzi Testa, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 162–177.
- ‘Seizing the History – Christianizing the Past in Late Antique Historiography’, Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles, ed. Mari Isoaho, ’Seizing the History: Christianizing the Past in Late Antique Historiography’, Past and Present in Medieval Chronicles, ed. Mari Isoaho, COLLeGIUM, Studies across Disciplines in the Humanities and Social Sciences 17, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies: Helsinki, 2015, 11–33.
- ‘Magic and the Early Church’, Cambridge History of Witchcraft and Magic, ed. David J. Collins, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2015, 148–182.
- ‘Pacifiers and Instigators: Bishops and Interreligious Conflicts in Late Antiquity’, Conflict and Compromise: The Role of the Bishop in Late Antiquity, eds. Andrew Fear, José Fernández Ubiña & Mar Marcos, London: Bloomsbury, 2013, 63–82.
- ‘Nocturnal Rituals as an Othering Device: The Long Life of Fears and Labels in Ancient Polemic and Legislation’, Others and the Construction of Christian Identities, eds. Raimo Hakola, Ulla Tervahauta & Nina Nikki, Helsinki: Finnish Exegetical Society, 2013, 313–344.
- ‘Divine Wrath and Divine Favour: Transformations in Roman thought pattern in Late Antiquity’, Der Fall Roms und seine Wiederauferstehungen in Antike und Mittelalter, eds. Karla Pollmann & Henriette Harich-Schwarzbauer, Millennium, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013, 177–193.
- ‘Polluted by Sacrifices: Christian Repugnance at Sacrificial Rituals in Late Antiquity’, Religious Participation in Ancient and Medieval Societies. Rituals, Interaction and Identity, Ville Vuolanto & Sari Katajala-Peltomaa, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae: Rome 2013, 159–171.
- ‘”But our customs are older”: The Authority of Antiquity in Late Antique Debates’, Authorities in the Middle Ages, eds. Sini Kangas, Mia Korpiola & Tuija Ainonen, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013, 27–38.
- ‘Praetextatus (Vettius Agorius)’, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques V, publié sous la direction de R. Goulet, CNRS Editions, Paris 2012, 1506–1508.
- ‘The shadow of the shadow – Examining Christian fourth and fifth century depictions of pagans’, The Faces of the other. Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the later Roman world, ed. M. Kahlos, Cursor mundi 10, Brepols: Turnhout, 2012, 165–195.
- ‘Who is a good Roman? Setting and resetting boundaries for Romans, Christians, pagans and barbarians in the Late Roman Empire’, The Faces of the other. Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the later Roman world, ed. M. Kahlos, Cursor mundi 10, Brepols: Turnhout, 2012, 259–274.
- ‘Introduction’, The Faces of the other. Religious Rivalry and Ethnic Encounters in the later Roman world, ed. M. Kahlos, Cursor mundi 10, Brepols: Turnhout, 2012, 1-15.
- ‘Rhetoric and Realities: Themistius and the Changing Tides in imperial religious policies’, Politiche religiose nel mondo antico e tardoantico, a cura di Giovanni A. Cecconi e Chantal Gabrielli, Collana Munera 33, Bari: Edipuglia, 2011, 287–304.
- ‘Rhetorical Strategies in Jerome’s Polemical Works’, Polemik im Neuen Testament. Texte, Themen, Gattungen und Kontexte, hrsg. O. Wischmeyer und L. Scornaienchi, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2010, 621-649.
- ‘Reclaiming and Refuting Monotheism: Monotheism in the Debate between ‘Pagans’ and Christians in 380-430’, Monotheism between Pagans and Christians in Late Antiquity, eds. S. Mitchell & P. Van Nuffelen, in the series “Interdisciplinary studies in ancient culture and religion”, Leuven: Peeters, 2010, 167–179.
- ‘Ritus ad solos digitos pertinens (Lact. inst. 5.19.29): A Caricature of Roman civic religion in Lactantius’ Institutiones divinae’, Jews, Christians and Pagans in Antiquity – Critique and Apologetic, Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity, eds. D. Brakke, A. Jacobsen & J. Ulrich, Aarhus 2009, 283-302.
- ‘The Rhetoric of Tolerance and Intolerance: From Lactantius to Firmicus Maternus’, Changes and Continuities in Christian Apologetic, Early Christianity in the Context of Antiquity, eds. A. Jacobsen, M. Kahlos & J. Ulrich, Aarhus 2009, 79–95.
- ‘Rhetorik (Altphilologie)’, Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik, hgg. O. Wischmeyer et al., Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009, 506-507.
- ‘Argumentation (Altphilologie)’, Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik, hgg. O. Wischmeyer et al., Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009, 45.
- ‘Interpretationsgemeinschaften (Altphilologie)’, Lexikon der Bibelhermeneutik, hgg. O. Wischmeyer et al., Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009, 298-299.
- ‘Bene currunt sed non in via currunt: The Image of Good Pagans in fourth and fifth century Christian Literature’, Imagology and Cross-cultural Encounters in History, in series Studia historica septentrionalia 56, Rovaniemi 2008, 63-69.
- ‘Comissationes et ebrietates: Church leaders against banqueting at martyria and at tombs’, Ad itum liberum. Essays in honour of Anne Helttula, eds. O. Merisalo & R. Vainio, Jyväskylä 2007, 13-23.
- ‘In-Between Figures in Christian Literature’, Studia Patristica, vol. XL, eds. F. Young, M. Edwards & P. Parvis, Leuven: Peeters, 2006, 215-220.
Contributions in critical text editions
- Anne Helttula, Tryggve Gestrin, Maijastina Kahlos, Reija Pentti-Tuomisto, Pekka Tuomisto, Raija Vainio e Risto Valjus, Le iscrizioni sepolcrali latine nell’Isola Sacra, edite sotto la direzione di Anne Helttula, Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae XXX, Roma 2007, xxx + 437 p.
- Catalogo delle iscrizioni latine del Museo Nazionale di Napoli (ILMN), Vol. I, Roma e Latium, a cura di G. Camodeca, F. Nasti, A. Parma, H. Solin, M. Kajava, e con la collaborazione di M. Kahlos, A. Kivimäki, L. Lahdensuu, H. Liekso, P. Tuomisto, J. Vihonen, Napoli 2000, 399 p.
Book reviews in academic peer-reviewed journals
- Georgia Frank, Unfinished Christians, in Koinonia 48 (2024), 593–596.
- Giovanni Alberto Cecconi, Barbari e pagani: religione e società in Europa nel tardoantico, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2023).
‘“And what an Age!”: Peter Brown and Magical Late Antiquity’, review essay of Peter Brown, Journeys of the Mind, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 27.2 (2023), 246–248.
Victoria Leonard, In Defiance of History, in Classical Review 73.1 (2022), 157–159.
Hendrik A. Wagner, Das spätantike Rom und die stadtrömische Senatsaristokratie (395–455 n. Chr.), in Historische Zeitschrift 315 (2022), 177–178.
- Interreligiöse Konflikte im 4. und 5. Jahrhundert. Julian Contra Galilaeos – Kyrill Contra Iulianum, in Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, 2021.
Machado, Carlos, Urban Space and Aristocratic Power in Late Antique Rome, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2021).
- Kraemer, Ross Shepard. The Mediterranean Diaspora in Late Antiquity. What Christianity Cost the Jews, in Classical Review 71.1 (2021).
Beyond Intolerance: The Milan Meeting in AD 313 and the Evolution of Imperial Religious Policy from the Age of the Tetrarchs to Julian the Apostate, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, (2020).
- H. Drake, A Century of Miracles: Christians, Pagans, Jews, and the Supernatural, 312-410, Gnomon, 92.5 (2020).
- Rhetorical Strategies in Late Antique Literature. Images, Metatexts and Interpretation, Edited by Alberto J. Quiroga Puertas, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, 23.3 (2019).
- Peter Van Nuffelen, Penser la tolérance durant l’Antiquité tardive, Journal of Early Christian Studies 27.2 (2019).
- Larry W. Hurtado, Destroyer of the Gods. Early Christian Distinctiveness in the Roman World, Plekos 19 (2017), 401–407.
- Topographie des Jenseits. Studien zur Geschichte des Todes in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike, Athenaeum 1 (2016), 269-272.
- Susanna Elm. Sons of Hellenism, Fathers of the Church, Athenaeum 2 (2015), 705-708.
- Éric Rebillard, Christians and Their Many Identities in Late Antiquity, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum2 (2014), 345-349.
- Alan Cameron, The Last Pagans of Rome, Arctos 47 (2013), 341-345
- Stéphane Ratti, Polémiques entre païens et chrétiens, Bryn Mawr Classical Review (2012).
- One God. Pagan Monotheism in the Roman Empire, Arctos 45 (2011).
- Zsuzsanna Várhelyi, The Religion of Senators in the Roman Empire. Power and the Beyond, Arctos 45 (2011).
- Religion and Normativity. The Discursive Fight over Religious Texts in Antiquity, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 15 (2011), 577-579.
- Judith Perkins, Imperial Identities, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 14 (2011), 627-629.
- George Heyman, The Power of Sacrifice. Roman and Christian Discourses in Conflict, Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum 13 (2009), 367–369.
- Valerie M. Warrior, Roman religion, Arctos 41 (2007), 178–179.
- A. Müller, Formen und Funktionen der Vergilzitate und –anspielungen bei Augustinus von Hippo, Arctos 37 (2003), 267-269.
- Es hat sich viel ereignet, Gutes wie Böses, Arctos 36 (2002), 170-172.
- Letterature e propaganda nell’ occidente latino da Augusto ai regni romanobarbarici, Arctos 36 (2002), 167-169.
- Mellor The Roman Historians, Arctos 35 (2001), 280-281.
- Imperium Romanum. Studien zu Geschichte und Rezeption, Arctos 34 (2000), 261-262.
- Religions of Rome I-II, Arctos 33 (1999), 212-214.
- ‘Roman Ostia’ Revisited. Archeological and Historical Papers in Memory of Russell Meiggs, Arctos 32 (1998), 313-315.
- Gabriele Broszio Genealogia Christi, Arctos 32 (1998), 282-283.
- Helga Botermann Das Judenedikt des Kaisers Claudius, Arctos 32 (1997), 245-246.
- Gudrun Bühl Constantinopolis und Roma, Arctos 30 (1996), 291.
- Chastagnol Aspects de l’antiquité tardive, Arctos 30 (1996), 267.
- Attila Flagellum Dei ja Attila e gli Unni, Arctos 30 (1996), 291-293.
- Schetter Kaiserzeit und Spätantike, Arctos 29 (1995), 186-187.
- W. Bowersock Martyrdom and Rome, Arctos 29 (1995), 195.
- Klassisches Altertum, Spätantike und frühes Christentum, FS Lippold, Arctos 29 (1995), 185.
- Ian Morris Death-ritual and Social Structure in Classical Antiquity, Arctos 27 (1993), 184-185.
Articles in Finnish and Swedish in peer-reviewed journals and volumes
’Antiikki ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus’ [Antiquity and cultural diversity], Antiikki ja me [Antiquity and Us], eds. Marke Ahonen, Mika Perälä & Ville Vuolanto, Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2024, 351–368.
‘Miekalla vai nuijalla? Augustinus, Petilianus ja keskustelu uskonnollisesta väkivallasta myöhäisantiikissa’ [Swords or Cudgels? Augustine, Petilianus, and the discussion on religious violence], Teologinen aikakauskirja 3 (2023), 287–302. This article was the entrance exam material for the Faculty of Theology, University of Helsinki, 2024.
Todellinen iustitia ja sen maanpäälliset muodot – Augustinus ja antiikin kristilliset käsitykset oikeudenmukaisuudesta’ [The Real Iustitia and its Earthly Forms – Augustine and the Early Christian Ideas of Justice], Oikeudenmukaisuus ja sen vaihtoehdot globalisoituvassa maailmassa [Justice and Its Alternatives in the Globalising World], ed. Matti Häyry & Johanna Ahola-Launonen, Gaudeamus: Helsinki, 2018.
- ‘Kamppailu tunnustamisesta antiikissa’ [The struggle for recognition in Greco-Roman Antiquity], Uskonto ja kamppailu tunnustamisesta [Religion and Struggle for Recognition], ed. H. Haara & R. Palmén, STKSJ 285, Helsinki, 2017, 209-227.
- ‘Pakanuuden synty myöhäisantiikissa’ [The birth of paganism in Late Antiquity], Vieras, outo, vihollinen: toiseuden kuvauksia antiikista uuden ajan alkuun [Depictions of Otherness in from Antiquity until the early modern period], ed. M.-L. Hänninen, Suomalaisen kirjallisuuden seura, Helsinki, 2013, 155-173.
- ‘Augustinus poliittisena ajattelijana’ [Augustine as a political thinker], Klassiset poliittiset ajattelijat [Classical Political Thinkers], ed. P.-E. Korvela – P. Koikkalainen, Vastapaino, Tampere, 2012, 123–151.
- ‘Debatten om filantropi: Kristen självuppfattning och polyteistiska reaktioner på 300-talet’, Eros och agape. Patristica Nordica 7 (2009), 91-104.
- ‘Uskonnollinen painostaminen myöhäisantiikissa – Kirkolliset kirjoittajat ja voimankäytön oikeuttaminen’ [Religious coercion in Late Antiquity: Ecclesiastical writers and the justification of violence], Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 4 (2007), 453–462.
7. ‘Barbaariset riitit ja oudot menot – Antiikin roomalaisten näkemyksiä kelttien uskonnosta’ [Barbarian rites and strange ceremonies: Roman views on Celtic religion] (résumé in English), Studia Celtica Fennica 3 (2006), 27–34.
8. ‘Menneisyyden varjot – Polemiikki ja dialogi Augustinuksen Jumalan valtiossa’ [Shadows of the Past: Polemic and Dialogue in Augustine’s De civitate Dei], niin & näin 1 (2004), 65–71.
9. Translation of correspondence between Augustine of Hippo, Marcellinus and Volusianus (Aug. ep. 132, 135, 136) from Latin into Finnish, niin & näin 1 (2004), 72-75.
10. ‘Johdanto” [Introduction] (with M.-L. Hänninen) in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], eds M.-L. Hänninen & M. Kahlos, Helsinki 2004, 15–20.
11. ‘Rooman valtakunnan väestöolot’, [Roman demography], in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 25–33.
12. ‘Ihmisen elämänkaari’ [Roman life cycle] (with M.-L. Hänninen), in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 34–35.
13. ‘Vanhuus’ [Roman old age], in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 74-80.
14. ‘Roomalainen kuolema ja hautakulttuuri’ [Roman death], in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 81–92.
15. ‘Aikoja ja tapoja – roomalainen aika’ [On Roman Time], in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 245–263.
16. ‘Roomalainen viihde’ [Spectacles in the Roman World], in Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa [Roman festivals and everyday life], Helsinki 2004, 325-359.
17. ‘Väliinputoajien ja epäröivien historiaa – incerti myöhäisantiikissa ja Jumalan yhteisössä’ [In-between Figures in History? Incerti in Late Antiquity and in the City of God] (résumé in English), Teologinen Aikakauskirja 3 (2002), 210-221.
18. ‘Pompa diaboli – Debatten över hedniska stadsfester i den kristna apologetiken på 300- och 400 –talet’ [=The debate on pagan urban festivals in Christian Apologetics in the fourth and fifth centuries], Meddelanden från Collegium Patristicum Lundense 17 (2002), 27-34.
19. ‘Keisarista jumalaksi – Rooman keisarin apoteoosi’ [From an emperor to a god – the apotheosis of a Roman emperor], Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 4 (1999), 309-317.
20. ‘Uskonnoista uskontoon – Pakanat ja kristityt myöhäisantiikin murroksessa’ [From religions to one religion – pagans and Christians in the transformation period of Late Antiquity, in the internet periodical of the Finnish Historical Association], Historiallisen Yhdistyksen julkaisusarjat, Historiallisia Papereita 4: Suvaitsevaisuus 1999.
21. ‘Pakanat ja kristityt – vastakkaisparien dekonstruktiota’ [Pagans and Christians – Deconstruction of binary oppositions], Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 3 (1999), 242-245.
22. ‘Latinankielisiä lääketieteellisiä kirjoittajia myöhäisantiikissa (300-400-luvuilla)’ [Latin medical literature in late antiquity, in the periodical of the Finnish Association of History of Medicine] (résumé in English), Hippokrates 1996, 124-135.
23. ‘Hauta roomalaisessa kuoleman kulttuurissa – esimerkkejä Isola Sacran hautausmaan piirtokirjoituksista’ [The tomb in Roman funeral tradition – examples from the funeral inscriptions of the necropolis in Isola Sacra], Historian Päiviä, Helsinki 1993, 183-189.
Publications intended for professional communities
- ’Mediterranean Flows: Tracing ancient and contemporary mobility on Zoom’, with Emilia Mataix Ferrándiz, Anna Usacheva and Elisa Uusimäki, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies blog, 11.1.2021,
- ‘Antiikki päivänvaloon! Miten nostamme profiilia tutkimuksessa ja julkisuudessa’, Folium Classicum 1 (2018).
- ’Kauan sitten Ateenassa’, Historiallinen aikakauskirja 1 (2014).
- ‘Glossae-lehden alkuvaiheet 1998–1999’, Glossae 1 (2007), 18–19.
- ‘Roomalaista elämäntapaa etsimässä’ (M.-L. Hännisen kanssa), Folium Classicum 67 (2005).
- ‘Augustinuksen kaksi valtakuntaa’, Tieteessä tapahtuu (2001).
- ‘Roomalaisen keisarin apoteoosi’, Glossae 3 (1998), 10-11.
- ‘Ethnicity, Religion and Identity in Late Antiquity’, Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 4 (1998).
// Publications intended for the general public
Monographs and Translations
- Taikakirja. Magia antiikin Kreikassa ja Roomassa [Magic in ancient Greece and Rome], Otava: Helsinki, 2023.
- Roomalaiset ja barbaarit [Romans and Barbarians], Otava: Helsinki, 2020.
- Rooman viimeiset päivät, Otava: Helsinki, 2016.
- Uskonnot antiikin Roomassa-L. Hännisen & U. Lehtosen kanssa, Teos: Helsinki, 2012.
- Käännös Heinrici Chronicon Livoniae, latinasta suomeen, R. Sarasti-Wileniuksen kanssa, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Helsinki 2003.
Popular articles
- ’Minun klassikkoni: Goethen Faust’ [My classic: Goethe’s Faust], Parnasso [literature journal] 3 (2024).
- ‘Lahjoja vai ei?’ [Gifts or not, Kalendae Ianuariae], Katsomukset [study of religions net journal], 16.12.2020. /.
- ‘Juppiterin päivä: torstai on toivoa täynnä?’ [Sweet Thursday, Iovis dies], Khelidon [classicist net journal], 10.12.2020.
- ‘Birth of Paganism’, Ancient History 27 (2020), 26-33.
- ’Antiikin ihmiskauppa ja tutkijan tunteet’, Trivium-blogi 1.2019. //
- ’Kärsimyksen kirkkain kruunu: marttyyrius myöhäisantiikin uskonnollisissa ja poliittisissa kiistoissa’, Vihan pitkät jäljet, toim. Marjo Kaartinen, Vihan pitkät jäljet: Kaarina, 2018, 16–25 = ’Kärsimyksen kirkkain kruunu: marttyyrius myöhäisantiikin uskonnollisissa ja poliittisissa kiistoissa’, Vihan pitkät jäljet Argumenta-hankkeen blogi, //
- ’Rooma kaatui rahapulaan’, Tiede 5 (2018), 50–57.
- ’Antiikintutkijat nettivihaajien hampaissa’. Kanava 6 (2017), 44-46.
- ‘Peukutusta roomalaiseen tapaan’, Khelidon 6.2017
- ‘Keisari satiirikkona’, Khelidon8.2016
- ‘Kaksi kulttuuria ja ajankääntäjä’, Akatemian verkkolehti 10.2015.
- ‘Velat anteeksi Kreikassa’, Akatemian verkkolehti 5.2015.
- L. Hännisen & V. Vuolannon kanssa, ‘Rooma ei romahtanut moraaliseen rappioon’, Helsingin Sanomat 29.4.2015.
- ’Torsti vastaa’, Helsingin Sanomat 12.2014.
- ‘Hercules vai konjunktiivi?’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 9.2014.
- ‘Mitä yhteistä on Niinistöllä ja Konstantinuksella?’ Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 2.2014.
- ‘Barbaareja odotellessa’, Kanava (2013), 31–35.
- ‘Orkideat kunniaan!’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 10.2013.
- ‘Mistä kansainvaellukset kertovat?’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 5.2013.
- ‘Yhteinen valuutta yhdistää’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 8.2012.
- ‘Virantäyttöjen ihmeellinen maailma’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 2.2012.
- ‘Ihmisen osa kreikkalais-roomalaisessa antiikissa’, Euroopan historia 2, toim. Tuomas Heikkilä, Helsinki: WSOY 2012, 11–38.
- ‘Antiikin historiaa uutisotsikoissa’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 10.2011.
- ‘Mistä tutkijalle voimia?’, Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 6.2011.
- ‘Ymmärtääkö kukaan? Parempaa tiedeviestintää!’ Apropos Suomen Akatemian verkkolehti 11.2010.
- ‘Vainotuista kristityistä kristityiksi vainoojiksi. Uskonnollisen painostuksen historiaa myöhäisantiikissa (300–600)’, Humanisti 1 (2010), 11–15.
- ‘Yksi vai monta?’ Villa Lanten ystävien vuosikirja 7 (2008) 43–48.
- ‘Kristittyjen vainot’, Vartija 2 (2008), 43–48.
- ‘Rooma-sarja luo oikean kuvan antiikin uskonnoista’ (M.-L. Hännisen ja U. Lehtosen kanssa), Helsingin Sanomat 11.2007.
- ‘Vesi ja veri – Baltian kristillistäminen Henrikin Liivinmaan kronikassa’, Kanava 8 (2003), 585–589.
- ‘Kirjailijat kirkkoisän kimpussa’, Kanava 3 (2000), 197–200.
- ‘Antiikin asialla’ (J. Lindblomin kanssa), Yliopisto 2 (1999), 22–23.
- ‘Antiikin uskonnollinen pluralismi ja kristinusko’, Vartija 3 (1998), 89–92.
- ‘Joosefilla ja Marialla ei ollut syytä lähteä Betlehemiin’, Helsingin Sanomat 12.1997.
- ‘Justus, eurokansalainen etuajassa’, Europa 4 (1997).
Book reviews
- Review of Finnish translation of Euripides, Helsingin Sanomat 4.2021.
- Ilkka Syvänne, Military History of Late Rome 425–457, Skholion 1 (2020), 16-17.
- ‘Itsehillintä on miehuuden mitta’ [Review of Finnish translation of Plutarch’s essays], Helsingin Sanomat 5.2020.
- Keisarit ja kurtisaanit. Perhe, valta ja seksi antiikin Roomassa, Historiallinen Aikakauskirja 1 (2019).
- ‘Petetyt, jätetyt ja tapetut’, Helsingin Sanomat 7.2018.
- ‘Antiikin Rooma antaa sotaa ja sanomisen taitoa’, Helsingin Sanomat 12.2014.
- ‘Synnintunnosta vapaata seksiä’, Helsingin Sanomat 11.2014.
- ‘Seneca ihmisen perusongelmien äärellä’, Villa Lanten ystävien vuosikirja 12 (2013).
- ‘Justinos Marttyyri, Apologiat & Dialogi Tryfonin kanssa’, Mirator 13 (2012), 90-92.
- ‘Eurooppalaiset astuivat toiseen maailmaan’, Helsingin Sanomat1.2011.
- ”Oppinut matka historiankirjoittajien maailmaan”, Skholion 1 (2010), 5-9.
- ”Rooma tuhoutuu aina uudestaan”, Helsingin Sanomat3.2010.
- ”Antiikissa asui hupaisia tuttuja”, Helsingin Sanomat 12.2009.
- ”Filosofia parantaa”, niin & näin 4 (2009) 112–113.
- ”Antiikin väkivaltaviihde jatkuu yhä”, Helsingin Sanomat 1.2009.
- “Oman elämän puolustukset”, niin & näin 3 (2007), 114-115.
- “Cicero ja taivuttelun taito”, niin & näin 1 (2007), 131-132.
- Guy Haarscher, Laïcité, Vartija 1 (2007), 33-34.
- “Paimenrunoja ja politiikkaa”, Helsingin Sanomat12.2004.
- “Petroniuksen antiikki ei ole valkoinen”, Helsingin Sanomat 4.2004.
- “Rooman valtakunta ja Jumalan valtio”, Helikon 1 (2004), 28-30.
- Augustinus, De civitate dei, Ennen ja nyt. Historian tietosanomat 4 (2003)
- Hesiodos, Theogonia, Agricola
- Lukianos, Miten historiaa on kirjoitettava, Agricola
- ”Kuninkaista aristokratiaan: Rooman unohdettu historia”, Kanava (2002), 566-568.
- “Roomalaiset naiset uskonnollisina toimijoina”, Naistutkimus 4 (2001), 93-94.
- Ari Turunen, Pahan merkit, Teologinen Aikakauskirja 3 (1998).
Teaching material
- ’Miten uskonnonvapaudesta puhuttiin antiikin Roomassa’ [How religious liberty was discussed in ancient Rome], Uskallus, opetusmateriaalia perusopetukseen 2020
- ‘Rooman valtakunnan väestöolot’ [Roomalaista arkea ja juhlaa, 2004], Forum I. Opettajan opas, Otava Helsinki 2005.
- ‘Antiikin uskonnollinen pluralismi ja kristinusko’ [Vartija 3 (1998)], Uskonto ja aika. Opettajan materiaali, WSOY Helsinki 2000.
- ‘Joosefilla ja Marialla ei ollut syytä lähteä Betlehemiin’ [Helsingin Sanomat 12.1997], Pyhän Virta, Opettajan materiaali, WSOY Helsinki.
1. Doctoral thesis Saeculum Praetextati, University of Helsinki 1998, 305 p.
2. Master’s thesis Roomalainen keisariapoteoosi – jumalaksi julistaminen ja taivaaseennousu [The apotheosis of the Roman Emperor – divinization and ascension], University of Helsinki, 1991, 77 p.